Books for Children by Donna J. Shepherd

Scroll down to the bottom of the page to find a whole bunch of fun things to use when you have YOUR tea parties.

Image: Catherine Hadler /

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Emma Loves Ava's Secret Tea Party

Got the nicest note from Emma who said, 

"Donna, I just received the book "Ava's Secret Tea Party" I ordered as a gift for my granddaughter, and it is wonderful! Love the story, the illustrations, the crafts and recipes. Can't wait to share it with my granddaughter. Now I have to buy a copy for myself. Congratulations on a job well done." - Emma

Thank you, Emma. You've made my day! 

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Hidden Pictures in Ava's Secret Tea Party

This is only a portion of one illustration in "Ava's Secret Tea Party." Look at the lovely detailed work by Bella Sinclair. I hope the pic is clear enough that you can see the hidden teacup and cookies. So sweet.